A CHUPACABRA is either a mythological creature,
an Alien, a legend, a fairy tale, a Rock & Roll Rythmn & Blues Band, a Motorcycle Club, or a Government Experiment between a South American Bat & a Anaconda
Snake gone wrong, depending on who you ask of course! Most sighting's of this creature usaully occur at night somewhere
in the South Western States of America, such as Texas, Arizona & New Mexico & along
the Northern Border of Mexico. In the case of, "The CHUPACABRAS (210) SANTONE",
they are mostly found on stage playin' Hard Driving Rock & Roll Rythmn & Blues &
ridin' their Harley Davidson Motorcycles all around the South Texas Hill Country.
They can also be found hangin' out & drinkin alcohol at just about all the local South Texas watering holes. The word
Chupacabra itself comes from the Spanish words & the latin root words meaning;....Suck;....(Chupa).... &....Goat;....(Cabra);...!
Which translates to Goat Sucker! This name comes from the fact that in the hills & mountains of South America, many
people raise Goats for a living & thus claim that they have seen this creature called "The Chupacabra", attack, suck
the blood out of & kill their goats on many different occasions. Therefore "CHUPACABRA" now means, a creature
that used to attack, kill & suck the blood out of many goats! To "The CHUPACABRAS
(210) SANTONE, it is just the name of their Rock & Roll Rythm & Blues Band &
Motorcycle Club for Harley Davidson enthusiasts, & the only thing that these Rock
& Roller's will be sucking down, is a lot of ice cold beers, especially their favorite beer, which is a personalized
micro brewed beer called, "El CHUPACABRA", & as they ride on into the Texas sunset the only
thing these "Chupacabras" will be dreamin' about, will be Fast Harley's, Hot Women & Ice Cold Beers;...&
never has even one goat ever crossed into their minds, but I did almost run
into a goat once when it jumped out in front of me while I was flying down Amman Rd. out in Borene, in the
Texas Hill Country, I don't know who was luckier, me or the goat, lucky for both of us that I didn't, hit em', as that
would of definitely of sucked big time;.....--Trip (Road Rebel)